What is Biomagnetism?

Biomagnetism was discovered by Dr. Isaac Goiz in 1988. It is a practice that utilizes biomagnetic pairs (BMP) of high-strength magnets to painlessly and non-invasively stimulate the body back to its proper PH balance.

The goal is to achieve a state of internal body balance known as homeostasis. Biomagnetism is completely painless and non-invasive, and it is complementary to both alternative and allopathic medical treatments and protocols.

Why focus on returning to the natural PH balance? Because our bodies are 65% water, and our organs require a very specific PH balance in order to remain healthy. When proper PH is achieve in an area of the body, pathogens can no longer survive, and health returns to that part of the body.

Achieving and maintaining PH balance in the body is absolutely vital to achieving homeostasis. It is believed that PH imbalances throughout the body may accumulate, and therefore allow the development of symptoms, syndromes, and other poor health conditions. Biomagnetism stimulates normal immune system function, increased circulation and oxygenation, normalizes the inflammation response, and more.

Another simple definition of homeostasis is, "the ability or tendency to maintain internal stability in an organism to compensate for environmental changes. An example of homeostasis is the human body keeping an average temperature of 98.6 degrees."

When your body is in homeostasis you feel GREAT. Your immune system is working well and all your natural processes are working together, so that your body can heal itself.

The Amazing Results of Biomagnetism in Action

Patient Stories:

  • Patient with Polycystic Kidney Disease
    Dr. Schade, I want to thank you for allowing me to get my first magnetic homeostasis treatment. When I arrived home Saturday evening, my wife noticed a difference immediately. My extreme CFS exhaustion was improved by at least 60%. This is the best I’ve felt in 4 years! What a joy! Thank you!
    Patient with Polycystic Kidney Disease
  • Patient with Chronic Allergies & Foot Swelling
    I was interested in the overall process, but specifically hoping that it would help reduce my seasonal allergies and my swollen feet. I had been taking Benadryl on a daily basis, but was still continuing to have allergy problems. After one treatment my allergies cleared up and I was off Benadryl for several weeks. The swelling in my feet has also noticeably reduced. I understand that this was due to restoring my cells to a neutral PH, and supporting the drainage of excess fluids in my body. Continuing with the "homework" I received, I've had steady positive results.
    Patient with Chronic Allergies & Foot Swelling

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